The current trend of "Highly Serialized Dramas" has officially run out of creative steam. The market has been flooded-the plot twist has fallen sharply against the dollar, and runs the risk of becoming so completely devalued as to be worthless. The story-reveal futures market has crashed as high risk short term cliffhangers fail to perform at their
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Comments 21
There's got to be something in here about information glut, cognitive load and processing power as well. Does a distributed mediasphere give us greater ability to deal with a fatter information stream in one story? Maybe we can handle more of this stuff because we have wikis to serve as external memory, and affiliation groups to serve as distributed processors of information.
it's just not good storytelling.
Yeah, I heard Heroes is NOT going to clifhang this season, and next year will be back with mostly new characters and a new story arc! Great huh?
So where you googling the phrase "debt of expectation"? Thats great!
:: long pause, punctuated only by sound of wind:: :: continues to stare into distance ::
:: suddenly snaps back to the moment with a wild-eyedness ::
Damn them...
:: spits ::
Incidently, Ron D. More, creator & showrunner of BSG, as well as the creative force behind turning Star Trek Deep Space Nine into the franchise redeeming brilliance that it was in its later seasons, recently complained that the Neilson Corporation's monopoly on the ratings system is (paraphrasing here) as dead as a dinosaur and does not reflect in any realistic way the TV watching habits of America! For real! Have you EVER met somebody who has a Neilson box in their house?
I also fervently hope for a good walk in the arboretum, and a chance to burn large swaths of it.
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