Did a set at
the open mic on friday. All brand new beats with some remix bizness thrown in. I'm really not sure how it went. I didn't have my drum pad, so people didn't have much to look at. I keep having to remind myself that instrumental music of any kind is a niche thing, especially so with music that cant be 100% live.
I've been thinking a lot about what PAIN!
said. That perhaps we should approach all challenges as if we've failed already, and all we can do now is our best. To aim for Excellence, not Success.
Out of all the things I'm facing now, there was one "battle" facing me that I rode into without a true understanding of how to use that wisdom as my weapon. I tried, but it fell appart. The odds against me where vast, but for some reason I didn't truly make peace with failure. I didn't really scatter myself to the winds. Now failure seems all but certain, and I really don't know what to do about it. It hurts.
What's left to me now is losing nobly, or going down in flames, kicking and screaming. I have strategies, but will they work? I suppose thats the catch: who cares, as long as they're the best, the most true, the most satisfying strategies.
Back to the drawing board.