May 18, 2005 20:34
Welcome to the age of the typical college summer. Sadly, I won't be basking in the sun, taking trips to exotic locations, or getting the privilage to not work this summer. No, there is none of that for me. My summer will consist of 5 days of crummy weather with nothing to do, and then I get to go to work for the rest of the summer working the graveyard shift in a sweaty factory trying not to staple my hand to a box. So everyday I'll wake up about 10:00am and realize that there's nothing to do because all my friends are at work. Then, I'll go to work at 3:00pm(exactly, or around when everybody gets off work) and do slave labor until 11:00pm. At that time I'll make the usual calls around to see what's going on. Unfortunately, there will be nothing going on or people are sleeping due to work the next morning. This repeats for 11 weeks until school starts. Man, I want to win the lottery.