Jan 23, 2005 20:58
At last, my first post on LJ. I figured that now would be the most opportune time to start on the journal on account of spring semester classes beginning tomorrow. I've noticed that there is nothing to write about when all you do is be lazy. So anyway, it will be back to the old "Em-Cee" for me for another 16 weeks, and then hopefully to Mad-town next fall. Not that I hate the MC or anything, but it gets tiring seeing the same faces everyday, and the select bunch of idiots who constantly graze in the Union as if they are only there to play pool and eat. Check this out, one kid gets there at 7:00 and stays till about 5:00. I swear everytime I walk pass the Union he's playing pool, so I asked him one day if he had any classes today or if he just plays pool all day. He said that he had phy ed and that was it. How fuckin pathetic is that? At least I don't completely waste my time like that kid does. I would think that all the losers and jack-offs would disappear once college came around. I guess not.