and now... a moment of clarity

Aug 09, 2004 07:32

You know... for some reason (which is unbeknownst to me) I have been moping around for the past few months thinking about all of the things I did wrong in my last relationship with Heather. After some serious soul searching (none of which involved alcohol, weed, or any type of pill which is a first), I made a few observations.

- Fuck 'er

- Yea, it was a hot little piece of ass, but I'm a semi-goodlooking, big hearted, well off guy... I shouldn't be tied down anyways for a while with me getting ready to turn 21 and all of that.

- Regardless of my tireless efforts, she is still 2 things:
= Just like her fucking annoying ass mother
= A little kid

Oh well... write this down... Monday morning, 7:28 am, August 9, 2004... I will NEVER speak about Heather again unless it is about the naked pictures I still have of her... LMAO :-) Just Joking...

Now that that's over with...

It's T-Minus 10 days and counting until my 21st birthday/Las Vegas trip.... I'm fuckin siked... Binions has Hold 'em tournaments everyday and there is going to be a UFC Fight that I want to go see while we're there.

We're staying in the flyest fuckin hotel I've ever seen... you can see pics at:

It's FAT... Like... ME FAT... That fat!

Damn I need to get to studying for my Paramedic Boards... less than 3 weeks away and I havent even started to study for real... LOL. I'm more looking forward to getting drunk on Beale Street than I am taking boards...

Anywho.. I'm off of here for now.. Time to clean up this pig sty of a room...

Peace out Craig!
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