(no subject)

Nov 14, 2003 15:07

i found this quite fascinating, although it is

Today my classmates and I went to the Southern California University of Health Sciences to see a cadaver and fetuses and other interesting things.

First up was the cadaver. It was quite shocking at first sight because, well, there was a dead, naked, fat, old lady with well-manicured pink toenails right in front of me. Her face was wrapped in gauze and there was a black trash bag containing fat from around her abdomen in between her big wrinkly legs. Our guide at the autopsy station was really funny and I will tell you more about him later. The body was already dissected with all the parts put back into their places. (everything .........okok)

First, the doctor pulled back the skin around the breast, and we got to feel it. It looked like a boiled pigs ear--you know, those treats for dogs. It was yellowish and tan and did not feel like a dolphin or leather. Felt like dry, pliable rubber. Then we peeled back the fat of her breast, and it felt more firm than, um, live boobies. Then was the muscle, and after the rib cage. The rib cage was cut out and we passed it around.

We also saw the body's pacemaker, which the doctor joked about being a pump that inflates breasts. He said they did not have the technology for that yet, but when they did he was going to encourage his wife to get that done.

Next we passed around the heart that belonged to this body, which was quite enlarged compared to the normal heart we passed around. There was dried up blood in her heart and it was sort of gross. We also passed around one of her lungs which was huge and purplish.

After the chest cavity, the doctor sort of flung the sides of her abdomen to the side to reveal more organs. She had not eaten anything before she died so her stomach was flat and reminded me of a whopee cushion except it was bubblegum pink. The thing that suprised me the most was the size of her liver. Those things are huge. We saw her gall bladder and squeezed it. There was a gall stone inside and it was like a marble. The intestines were quite different from my impression of them. They felt really strange and bumpy from the parts on the outside of them. Sorry I don't know what it is called. We haven't really discussed anatomy yet in my biology class. Anyway...

Then the doctor showed us a uterus with the fallopian tubes attatched and as he held it up he said "batman forever!" because it did sort of look like batman. He pointed out the hole that babies exit through the uterus(undialated), and the hole is so fucking tiny. Having babies just got >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>'ed [babies being on this side].

Alright, that was all of the autopsy. Then we went to a different station where a doctor showed us a brain. He passed around two eyeballs. These were fascinating--let me explain. One of them was out of the socket, just the eyeball, and the other eyeball had the skin and eyelashes and eyebrow around it. That was pretty cool to hold, and kind of scary, because eyes are very personal, and this was not. The doctor did not get much of a chance to explain anything at this station because some JERKFACE IDIOT KID decided to fucking pass out at the autopsy table. Then they had to call the ambulance and all this and it took so long that we had to go. Ugh! HATE HIM.

So I didn't get to go to the fetus station and hold a fetus. But I saw the other fetuses in jars and they were really small with skinny legs.

Um, then we went to IN-N-OUT.

Overall a positive experience...good cadavers, good friends, good food.
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