Hella Survey

Jul 16, 2004 03:29

Doing this has kind of depressed me. Sad how few things are bold.

Items in bold I have never done, as yet.

I have never been drunk
I have never smoked pot
I have never kissed a member of the opposite sex
I have never kissed a member of the same sex
I have never crashed a friend's car
I have never been to Japan
I have never ridden in a taxi
I have never had anal sex
I have never been in love
I have never had sex
I have never had sex in public
I have never been dumped
I have never shoplifted
I have never been fired
I have never been in a fist fight
I have never had a threesome
I have never snuck out of my parents' house
I have never been tied up (sexually)
I have never been caught masturbating
I have never pissed on myself (well everyone has as a lil kid)
I have never had sex with a member of the same sex
I have never had sex with a member of the opposite sex
I have never been arrested
I have never made out with a stranger
I have never stolen something from my job
I have never celebrated New Year's in Times Square (or national equivalent)
I have never gone on a blind date
I have never lied to a friend(proud of this one)
I have never had a crush on a teacher
I have never celebrated Mardi-Gras in New Orleans
I have never been to Europe
I have never slept with a co-worker
I have never thrown up in a bar
I have never cheated on a final exam
I have never had a relationship with someone of the same sex
I have never been/gotten someone pregnant(thank God)
I have never held a firearm.
I have never ridden a unicycle.
I have never had a crush on a blood relative.
I have never tripped on a(n) hallucinogenic substance.
I have never had my blood drawn for recreational purposes.
I have never worn something really odd and/or scandalous to work.
I have never kept a library book forever.
I have never broken a bone.
I have never dated/slept with/had a relationship with anyone younger than me by 20 years.(one day...)
Ditto older than.
I have never been to a strip club or other such venue of nude dancing

1. Copy this whole list into your journal.
2. Bold the things that you have in common with me.
3. Whatever you don't bold, replace with things about you.

01. I have, simultaneously, a yen for self-destruction and a strong sense of self-preservation. Fortunately, the two usually balance one another out and don't argue very often.
02. I might have. OCD
03. If music did not exist, I would feel a great sense of loss, regardless of the fast that I wouldn't know what I was missing.
04. I know how to ice skate. (Not well, mind you)
05. Clean cold water is probably the best drink on Earth.
06. I love watching movies and often like to dissect them.
07. I hate when people type in all caps online.
08. It is a pet peeve of mine when people get grammatically lax in their IMs or emails or etc. on purpose, in effort to use "internet" phrases and sound cute and/or young, or those who cut themselves too much slack on grammar and whatall when writing non-realtime things like email. However, I readily forgive anyone who is trying to type with relative speed on something like IM and therefore fucks up their typing and spelling a lot, like I do. (If there was a way to make this even more bold, I would)
09. When I write, it's like bleeding. Pouring blood from my heart.
10. I was born Ohio.
11. I enjoy walking in the woods.
12. Driving at night with no music and the windows all down and the inside lights off is INCREDIBLY soothing and is when I get some of my best thinking done.
13. I suck at video games but love to play them.
14. I deal with death better than anyone I know. I think it's because I don't have any illusions about it.
15. I could teach but I don't think I have enough time to do that and all the other stuff I want to.
16. I sleep naked whenever I can.
17. I never have enough time.
18. The beginning of wisdom is the realization that you know nothing.
19. I have a lot to learn.
20. I check my email everyday to see if I got new email, sometimes I check more than once a day. (only sometimes? heh...)
21. I volunteer at Westeria House, which is a home where a woman has adopted 10 special needs kids.
22. I love to argue and have gotten into some doozy's with my best friends.
23. I with my roomate, who also happens to be my best friend here and an all around kick butt guy to know.
24. If I think you're cute, I'll probably tell you depending on my mood.
25. If you think I'm cute, I probably won't know about it unless you spell it out in crayons.
26. I appreciate inspiration.
27. I own only one burnt CD and that because of sentimental value. I plan to get a record deal someday and it would be awfully hypocritical of me.
28. I'm a colorful person.
29. I'm down right weird
30. I enjoy being straight.
31. While I don't agree with the gay lifestyle, I do think that they are just people like you and me.
32. I have a car but it's sick.
33. I get discouraged.
34. I dislike bratty kids, and especially their parents.
35. I want to move to New York City, even though I've never been there.
36. I like cleaning and other chores when doing them with friends.
37. I like to bite people when making out. I also quite enjoy being bitten when making out. (Good golly)
38. I don't think there's anything anyone knows about me that I'm ashamed of.
39. I like shoes and clothes and I really don't care what that says about my manhood.
40. I love animals
41. I really enjoy thoughtful gifts, even if they cost nothing.
42. I am happy with my weight but wish I had more muscle.
43. I want to contribute something useful to the world.
44. I think people who have unprotected sex are idiots.
45. I have been idiotic. (sometimes)
46. I am confusing at times
47. I like Pina Coladas
48. I've never had a Shirley Temple.
49. I enjoy being online, but I enjoy other things just about as much, or more, depending on what they are.
50. I sometimes wish societal standards didnt make life so potentially contentious.
51. I like silence at times.
52. I adore traveling.
53. I wish I had more money, but I realize it would just buy different problems.
54. I’m tired of worrying about shit.
55. I am not fond of nonconsentual dress codes.
56. I don't mind having to do other people's dishes, as long as they have rinsed them first and have not spit loogies on them.
57. I hate the Atkin's frenzy. It isn't healthy.
58. I dislike the societal standards that make people hate their bodies.
59. I like when my friends write me letters and emails, it makes me feel special.
60. I'm pessimistic most of the time.
61. I love my family.
62. I currently have my first girlfriend.
63. I don't like liver although my mom ate tons of it while she was pregnant with me.
64. I love to dance but my skill at said dancing is questionable
65. I have no desire for institutionalized learning as a means to make money.
66. I wish I was more coordinated.
67. I have no kids but want tons.
68. I want to win a billion dollars but would rather earn it.
69. I feel alone in a crowded room. (sometimes. and sometimes I like it that way)
70. I'm online a lot.
71. I'd like to know what someone is thinking if they don't bold 68.
72. I love meeting people and I bond very quickly although it doesn't compare to time and trial tested friendships.
73. I would forgive my best friend for murdering my wife.
74. I love to read. Always have.
75. I think that i'm good at some things, and I wish I was better at others. Some things I suck at, but I don't really care, because they don't come up very often.
76. I am really ticklish.
77. I wish I could draw pretty well.
78. I've lived in Ohio and Washington, and been to Vegas, Virginia, Venice, Greece and Spain.
79. No matter where I go, there I am, though I sometimes feel like a slightly different person depending on location and kin.
80. I get songs stuck in my head for days at a time sometimes.
81. I don't get scared.
82. I can be frightened though.
83. I am a giraffe. What the heck, randomness is good.
84. I think the world is going to hell in a handbasket.
85. I believe in accepting consequences.
86. I like tattoos and piercings and have some of both.
87. I hate having the feeling that I'm not going to go anywhere in life.
88. I love chocolate.
89. I would doubt myself often if I thought about it more.
90. I am too nice sometimes.
91. I care about me.
92. I care about others more.
93. I'm usually too hard on myself. Sometimes I am too soft on myself. Often, I swing randomly between the two like a monkey on a vine.
94. People who shy away from a book because of it's length piss me off.
95. Most people would benefit from a good dose of glitter. I left this one just because it's special
96. I don't sleep enough.
97. This survey took for freaking ever but was well worth it.
98. I love strange people.
99. I play the guitar.
100. Now that I'm done, I'm going to sleep.
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