Jan 25, 2007 23:38
In the middle of senior essay writing period - the ONLY time in my ENTIRE St. John's history that I have EVER used my laptop as a laptop for school work - my computer DIES on me. It is officially no good to me - I'm sending it off to Dell tomorrow for probably a new motherboard. (side-note, on the happy side, even though I'm no longer under warrantee, the folks at Dell are ANGELS, and are fixing it for free. My contact, I believe his name is Hamesh, is a sweetheart, and put me under "special case". but back to bitching...)
So this laptop, despite the occasional internet connecting problem, has been trouble free for the last 3 and a half years...and it chooses THIS WEEK to quit? On the other bright side, I only lost about a paragraph of my paper, although I maybe lost more than that in tears and frustration...and on the other bright side (Johnny seniors, don't hate me, i swear it sucks) I have a whole draft - introduction, body, conclusion and title!
By the way, I am looking for title suggestions. I would love something clever, although not "obscurely clever" (warns the dean)...but am probably hoping to settle on something merely not dumb sounding. At the moment, I'm working with:
Something More Noble: Descartes' Triumph
An inquiry into the method and the math
Anyway, help appreciated.