Очередное исследование Forrester по е-книге

Nov 10, 2010 15:55

На сайте Forrester (eBook Buying Is About To Spiral Upward) это исследование предлагают по $500. Полностью исследование называется:
eBook Buying Is About To Spiral Upward
US eBook Forecast, 2010 To 2015
by James L. McQuivey, Ph.D.
with Mark Mulligan, Annie E. Corbett

Предсказывать в таком динамичном секторе на пять лет (до 2015 включительо) весьма сложно. Официально есть следующая аннотация (цитирую целиком):
Executive Summary

Since Amazon.com introduced the Kindle eReader in 2007, all of the industry’s attention has focused on the rapid adoption and proliferation of eReaders. However, the success of the devices has been fueled by the convenient availability of the most popular books in digital form, often priced significantly below their physical counterparts. This fact has drawn consumers in more rapidly than we have seen in any other media. Here, we profile the 7% of US online adults who read eBooks today - many of them without eReaders - and show that this small, energetic group will grow so rapidly that it will easily spend nearly $3 billion on eBooks in 2015. We recommend that product strategists responsible for the eBooks we read and the devices we read them on plan now to grow their businesses in step with their eager consumers.

eReading Has Had An Explosive Year
eBooks Are About To Become Half Of All Books That eBook Readers Buy
eBook Sales Are Set To Nearly Triple By 2015 To $2.8 Billion

eReader Makers Should Prepare To Satisfy The Next Wave Of eBook Readers

A Very Altered Publishing World Is About To Emerge
Supplemental Material
Related Research Documents

Есть (спасибо v_x за “наводку”) авторское описание работы в блоге (eBooks Ready To Climb Past $1 Billion), где сказано (цитирую целиком):
Consider it an inauguration of sorts, a celebration of the eBook industry becoming a member of the major media club just as digital music and online video have before them. When you influence a billion dollars, people have to take you seriously. In the book business, it means that traditional publishers can no longer live in deny-and-delay mode; meanwhile, digital publishers get invited to better parties and people in other media businesses like TV and magazines look over and wonder if they could cut a slice of this new pie just for them.
To honor the occasion, we have just published our five-year forecast for eBooks in the US for Forrester clients. The punchline is this: 2010 will end with $966 million in eBooks sold to consumers. By 2015, the industry will have nearly tripled to almost $3 billion, a point at which the industry will be forever altered.
Right now, the number to track - and the one that determines how many eBooks will sell - is the percent of a consumer’s books that are bought and consumed digitally. To get at this number, we have to understand how people get books today. Did you know that the two most common ways people get books today is borrowing them from a friend or getting them from the library? Evidently content - at least in the book business - is already quite free, even without the help of digital.
eBook buying falls very low down on this list of how people acquire books. Just 7% of online adults who read books read eBooks. But that 7% happens to be a very attractive bunch: they read the most books and spend the most money on books. And here’s the kicker - the average eBook reader already consumes 41% of books in digital form. Oh, and that includes the people who don’t have an eReader yet, which is nearly half of them. For those that have a Kindle or other eReader, they read 66% of their books digitally.
I’m sure you’re ahead of me on this one, but let’s just spell it out. We have plenty of room to grow beyond the 7% that read eBooks today and, once they get the hang of it, eBook readers quickly shift a majority of their book reading to a digital form. More eBook readers reading a greater percentage of their books in digital form means our nearly $3 billion figure in 2015 will be easy to hit, even if nothing else changes in the industry. Meaning even if we never get color e-Ink screens, if publishers never experiment with eBook subscriptions, and interactive eBook formats never succeed, we will still see digital get close to $3 billion in size by the middle of the decade.
At that size and higher, not only do publishers need to take digital seriously, they must make it the new default for publishing, preparing for a day in which physical book publishing is an adjunct activity that supports the digital publishing business. And this dramatic reversal will have happened faster in book publishing than in any other media business. Not just because publishers have had years to watch other media industries face the digital transition, but also because book publishing is a single-revenue business. Music used to generate revenue from the radio, from CD sales, and from concert tickets. Changing that business required upsetting several apple carts at once. TV is similarly complex, revenue is derived from advertising, cable carriage or retransmission fees, and direct sales of DVDs. You can’t go digital without first rethinking the entire business (and not every player in the ecosystem takes that lying down). But not publishing. Books are published and sold at retail. In the end, once the only channel from which revenue is derived starts to get remodeled, it’s not long before the whole structure gets torn down and rebuilt to accommodate the new dominant distribution model.
That’s why we pause to commemorate the crossing of the billion dollar threshold, because from here things will move so quickly that by the time the dust settles, the book business may actually be the most digital of all media industries, even if it got the latest start.
Pro-books (Объем рынка е-книг в США в 2010 приблизится к миллиарду долларов) дала (как всегда ьез ссылки на первоисточник) русскоязычное изложение данных про это исследование (цитирую целиком):

Аналитики поделились предварительными результатами исследований рынка е-книг и ридеров за этот год и предложили очередной прогноз.
Данные, которыми располагают специалисты аналитической компании Forrester Research, приводит агентство Франс Пресс. По прогнозам аналитиков, объем американского рынка электронных книг в текущем году имеет шансы приблизиться к одному миллиарду долларов и составит предположительно 966 миллионов. К 2015 эта сумма может вырасти в три раза и достичь 2,81 миллиарда. В прошлом году объем рынка цифровых книг составлял 301 миллион долларов, то есть был меньше текущего в три с лишним раза.
Среди совершеннолетних американцев, которые являются активными пользователями интернета и при этом читателями печатных книг, около 7% уже успели приобщиться к чтению текстов в электронном виде. Специалисты Forrester полагают, что через год их число удвоится.
Что касается конкретных устройств, то 35% любителей цифровых книг используют для их чтения ноутбук, 32% предпочитают Kindle, 15% остановили свой выбор на iPhone, 12% по душе пришлись ридеры Sony, 10% - нетбуки. На долю ридера Nook и планшетного компьютера iPad приходится пока по 9% любителей чтения. Ридерами менее известных производителей и мобильными телефонами пользуются, соответственно, 8% и 6% респондентов. Некоторые читатели электронных книг имеют в своем распоряжении несколько устройств.
В прошлом году число американцев, которые были владельцами специализированных устройств для чтения электронных книг, составляло 3,7 миллиона человек. Как ожидается, в этом году оно вырастет до 10,3 миллиона. К 2015 году владельцами ридеров среди жителей США, вполне возможно, будут уже 29,4 миллиона человек.

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