(no subject)

May 11, 2010 20:45

Um...so, much like keio and a several other LJ people on macs, the Snickers ads have become really, REALLY annoying.

If I want to type a few things for Jumper Cable and Activated, I refuse to do it here. Unfortunately that would mean either:

- I have to beg for you all to get Dreamwidth accounts, so you can access the equivalent of friends-locks on DW.
- I'll open a Wordpress password-protected account for when the writing bug hits me, and then I give you the password. But WP has a dreadfully small typing field, and I don't want to type a lot there (episode summaries are typed on TextEdit then copy-pasted).
- I use Posterous for it. But for all the integrating it says it does, Posterous isn't conducive to community-building. And you cannot f-lock, it has a different privacy style I'll still check. (sigh)

I'll try Posterous first of all, especially for some short Activated stuff I need to type to have closure. But what are your opinions?

BTW I also looked at Vox but that looked a whole like LJ, along with its ad-supported system, so I didn't try that one.

This doesn't mean I'm leaving LJ soon (hitman_reborn after all is still the fandom hub, and I've made online friends over the years), but I'm finding a different and better place to be blogging at, if I can find it.

EK 8 )

blog entry, writing

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