(no subject)

Apr 13, 2010 23:15

xbluedawn translated a meme from a Japanese KHR fan. These are my personal answers to it.

Character Preference Meme
Hold hands with
 Uni? I think I'd want to do just that with her. ^^;;

 Gokudera. Even if he kills me. He's totally lacking in it, no matter how much he denies it.

Be hugged by
 Nana. Nice mommy hug.

Have as a lover
→ Reborn? ^^; Well there must be SOMETHING the ladies see in him!

Have as a pet
 Skull. (lol)

 Yamamoto. (I think I've said this already?)

Have as parents
→father - Fon, because he's nice and patient but strong
→mother - Luce? She's tough and she makes cookies.

Have as older siblings
→brother - Spanner (to help with my math?)
→sister - Lal Mirch?

Have as younger siblings
→brother - Fuuta, he just seems nice to have around
→sister - Haru (just to chill with)

Have as a child
 I-pin. Capable and smart without losing the child in her.

→ Tsuna. His personality asks for it.

Be teased by
 Yamamoto, who just laughs at you.

Have a conversation with
→ Shouichi and Spanner, if I manage to understand them. It should be interesting like the Mythbusters hosts are interesting.

Seduce (?)
 Me do the seducing? Um...TYLFuuta! He's good-looking and he's nice, okay?

Not to have as an enemy
 Mukuro. Need I still explain? He's too capable. Him and Verde.

Go on a date
→ TYLYamamoto. Wherein I shall just stare, and stare, and stare, and probably ask him a few questions.

Travel with
→ Gokudera! To keep things interesting. ^^v I'd actually want to be with a person who would like to be in museums and knows why they're cool and would want to read the captions.

Hibari would so totally be my head of security. ^^;;


EK 8 )

katekyo hitman reborn

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