The social network sites and major email sites are in various states of inaccessible. Pao-san, tell me another way to send those stories.
Ask John's best anime of the past ten years in his opinion (mostly for artistry and excellence in execution): List of official candidates for president and vice-president: (JAMBY?!)
List of official candidates for senator: (VICTOR WOOD?! WHAT?!)
The Guardian gives the new Sherlock Holmes movie 2/5: Other reviews of the Holmes movie: I'm noticing that the Brits and those who read the books/stories are (correctly) annoyed by the movie (some of the Americans are just being REALLY kind), but some Americans like the big-budget-ness of it all.
Personally I saw the trailer when we saw This is It!, and I'm not happy. I'm waiting until HBO for this.
I'll be out now. See you tonight.
EK 8 )