(no subject)

Mar 10, 2009 10:26

Just blogging quickly because we'll soon be out and I'll try to get something called a professional license. ^^;; But some ranting first:

- Oh, yes, we serve the Tenth! Especially when he's so AWESOME armed with just plain X-gloves skills. No burners, no soft and hard flames yet. Just him and those gloves. You rock, Tsuna. Help us never to forget. Heil!
- Blair Arellano did a good job in this ep, switching from Tsuna's whiny mode to his dead-serious mode.
- Yeah, I needed to watch this ep too to remember what made me a solid fan of this series. All the meh in the internets is saddening. ^^v

- Pin-san: I liked your [PSF4] story, but it's not really my thing. For one, I didn't really understand why SHE could not get emotional attachment...
EK: (sweatdrops) I knew I didn't get it completely right...^^;;
Pin-san: What do you mean?
EK: Haya is a HE, not a she. ^^;;

That's all. See you around tonight. Pictures in the other blog maybe.

EK 8 )

katekyo hitman reborn, jumper cable, writing

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