Title: After the Crossroad - The Angel's Pathway
Genre: fluff, angsty-fluff
Length: 3-shot
Word count: 6,097
Pairing: SoulMate aka JaeChun, YunJae (BFF)
Rating: PG, for some bad words
Disclaimer: not mine in real life, *sad*
A/N: alright! part 1 of the sequel for
Sunshine at the Crossroad is here. thank you so very much for all of you who've read and
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i got the feeling that they meeting going to be, the sakura blooms.. the wind blows.. and Jae sees his Little Sunshine.. his Little Sunshine grew bigger, more handsomer *alertchunbiased*, when their eyes finally meet.. Jae's heart beating faster.. and then.. and then... his Little sunshine asking him.. "who're you??.. lol
excuse me for my randomness^^
update this like tomorrow?? XD
still love this!!!
your comment made me laugh, like, really laugh xD such a cute scene!! i'm thinking of a cute concept for the final chapter, hopefully it turned out fine ^^
thank you so much!! \(^^)/
tell you what.. i only read jaechun's XD
btw junchan's friend is Jae's Little sunshine right??
just noticed that the last part going to be short T____T.. dont feel guilty about it.. its just me never get enough of jaechun^^
i can never have enoug jaechun too *_* but sometimes it's hard to release them from my mind out into the comp >,<
today i got two authors asking me to shut my mouth up.. and one of them is you. .. lol
no more word from me darling!! sssshhhhhh *im going*
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