Jun 15, 2007 02:08


Crest Whitestrips
Hair rollers (to achieve amazing curly or wavy hair status, according to GLAMOUR magazine)
A curler (with a different diameter/circumference barrel than the standard 1/2" one; maybe like a 1" or 1.5")
Electrical plug wattage converter (for when I go to Korea, because their electric... things are different than America's)
Eye drops for when my contacts irritate the hell out of my eyes for no reason
1000000 CDs D;
MOAR CLOTHES!!! (but this is a constant in my life, y/y?)
Rectangular glasses
New contacts and glasses in general (the prescription is ooooold).
Polaroid camera and film
Volcom clothes


Some of the new Revlon makeup they've been advertising on TV. Looks realllly cool.
More books. Mmmmm.
How to build a sound, efficient database by using Microsoft Access. This'll be interesting. 'Tis my summer project.


Leather jacket/leather bomber jacket
Short military coat (already have a long one)
Casual white jacket (already have a formal one)
Classic style black boots
Peacoat (preferably navy)
Rolex watch. *melts*
Black Converses (and maybe red or green ones, too!)


Photoshop. D; I want to make pretty things, dammit!
A Mac desktop computer. This little iBook G4 ain't cutting it completely... I still loves it, though...
To stop procrastinating.
To lose weight
To grow at least a good 5 inches. (ROFL, how feasible is this at my age hahahahahaha. 5'2" is WAY TOO SHORT. *cries*)
To get a haircut, and bangs that are good for my face type (round).
To save money. But clothes beckon so temptingly...
To find a better way to cool off without air conditioning because this heat is seriously unbearable and walking around the house in my underwear just does not cut it. This is not even that helpful because I only do it when no one else is home. It's so hot even my hands are sweating. They never sweat. Opening windows is not an option; heat just pours in. Fans don't help. I'm loathe to turn on the air conditioner because it'll just add on to the cooling bill. Why waste money on utilities when you can find alternative non-electric ways to cool off?
  • Solution #1: Move down south to SoCal.
  • Solution #2: Move down south to SoCal.
  • Solution #3: Move down south to SoCal.
To hang out more with people.
To learn HTML
A new layout.

I've been listening to ギルガメッシュ (girugamesh) a LOT lately. SATOSHI'S VOICE IS OMGGGGGGGGGGGGG. And his growling/screaming is so uwahhhhhhhhhhhhh and gorgeousssss... Such an amazing vocalist~

<3 <3 <3
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