Just an update on things . . . .

Aug 07, 2009 09:39

I was approved for SSI and I received my first check. I'm still waiting to see if I get approved for SSDI which would give me a decent amount more money. So here's hoping.

I'm applying (And should be accepted) for Medicaid this Monday along with food stamps to help with groceries.

Things are slowly but surely looking up.

Saw the Hurt Locker in theaters . . it rocked.

Been reading a lot more lately. I have Henderson the Rain King next to my bed right now but I just haven't had time to read it.

Shawn is down until the 15 so I'm going to spend as much time with him as possible before he makes his way to the pastures of Ireland.

I'm Currently watching the foreign film the Bicycle thieves. I got half way through it last night before I went to bed. I didn't stop watching it because I was bored (I'm enjoying the film) just got tired that's all.

I'm still volunteering at the New Point R.V Resort weed eating and lawn mowing . . .helping Shawn's dad at (I don't think I ever mentioned he's now hte manager there)

In any case that is what is going on in my neck of the woods. I hope everyone else is doing fabulous!
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