Sep 21, 2006 16:03
this is copied from my mate
Okay, this is your chance to do me a really big favour (you know you want to!). You might want to print this out ‘cos it’s a bit long…..
As you may know I am currently going through the hell of doing a PhD. I am in desperate need of participants at the moment to take part in my research project. It is very easy and relatively quick - takes about 20 minutes & people will be asked to recite different types of words for short periods of time. Can’t afford to pay everyone who takes part but I can offer refreshments to everyone who does take part (tea and cake if they visit me at uni, a beer or similar if elsewhere). AND every 25 people who take part will be entered into a draw to win £25 cash, which they can spend on booze or glow sticks or put in their new shoe fund…you get the idea!
As an added bonus which ever of my wonderful friends refers the most people to me will also be in line for some kind of gift (although I will buy you all a drink or three as a thank you). I can see people at uni in Hatfield (if anyone lives or works in that area), or if anyone would like to host a small “come and get tested” soirée I can supply the wine! This is beginning to sound rather booze-fuelled…
I am basically looking for people who have English as a first language, do not have dyslexia, haven’t had anything like a stroke or serious head injury and aren’t on heavy meds (prescription or otherwise).
And if you know anyone who is 60+ years old who might be interested I am DESPERATELY looking for people in that age group. And if they belong to a social club/have a load of friends who might be interested then I may have to install you as my new best friend. You have no idea how hard it is to get mentally intact old people to take part!
let us know if you are willing to help, either reply or email me at eketar