Oct 16, 2006 14:11
I wonder about all the mistakes I've made in life. There are so many of them. I don't know how I can talk to them all. I don't know how I can mention them even. I'm still amazed at my friends for still being there through it all. It's sad...
I miss all these good people because I'm forced to go to a small school, and because I don't have a car. I want to see so many people so badly. I want to have someone there for me that I can actually depend on. Someone that won't ignore me. Someone that will actually talk to me...and...possibly, someone who will actually give me hugs occasionally.
Basically the point of all of this is this: I miss all of you.
Now, a few dear yous:
Dear y'all:
Why must you be so far away? Please come closer?
Dear you:
Why am I that friend of yours?
Why never anyone truly special?
Oh well...I love you anyway.
Dear you:
I love you so much. You're...amazing.
Please...never change. I'll see you soon.
I hope that you have all had fun reading this edition of the Emo Geoff times.