Mar 12, 2007 04:36
So life has been quite interesting the past couple of days. not bad especially. i feel like one of my friends made a sort of bad decision. but i am going to stay out of it. not my buisness, and not my place to judge. we got caught at doms last night. i actually wasnt drinking at this point, but since its a dry campus we all got written up. sucks.
i have an interview at H&M in the suburbs tomorrow. im quite excited i hope i get the job. I could sure use the money, thats for sure.
i cant sleep.
whats new?
actually, its probably because i slept freaking ALL DAY today. I wrote my a paragraph for my huge ass paper due tuesday. its pretty witty. haha
I really have a goal of getting all a's this semester. so far so good. and im taking 17 credits too. not a light load. i love all almost all of my classes. my acting class kinda sucks. a lot of the peeps are pretty new at the college thing. they kinda get on my nerves. also, my teacher likes to run on with the obvious. he's no hmac, thats for sure.
my hair is getting long, and i like it. im gonna grow it out this summer, and then chop it off right before school. im so excited to be a sort of dirty hippie this summer at f and w.
ya so thats it. my roommate still hates me. still for no reason. there are all these notes around about cleaning up, and stuff. but like, they are the ones who leave shit out. our apartment is a mess. but somehow all the rude notes are directed towords me. the only place that is kinda messy is my side of the room, and it is just clothes. they leave dishes out, and in the sink.