baby update :)

Jun 19, 2006 11:24

Sorry, I've been meaning to post this for a few days (I haven't been home that long)... but things are just starting to calm down here.

Ok, so for those of you who haven't heard yet, the baby is here.

Pertinent stats:

Alexander Joseph Varga
born: Tuesday June 13, 7:48 am
8 lbs, 1 oz; 20 3/4 inches long

Monday night we went to the hospital at 5 to be induced. They put me in the oh so attractive gown that's open in the back and start poking me with needles (IV, blood drawn, etc). Around 7, my water broke just as the doctor was coming in to manually break it... it was messy. I had to go through natural labor for an hour, and it was pretty horrid. I really don't understand those women who insist on giving birth without the benefit of drugs. Imagine the worst cramps EVER, then up that exponentially, have it happen every few minutes (i.e. just as you're starting to forget how much the last one hurt, you get hit with another), and you have labor. The anesthesiologist (I have no idea if I spelled that right) was my new hero by the time the epidural was in.

The problem we'd been having for the last month or so was that the baby just did not want to drop. So I spent the night being turned around in various positions in an effort to encourage movement. I have a stubborn kid. By this point I'm so numb, I don't care what they do to me. I can't feel ANYTHING below my belly button. Glorious. Around 6 am I started running a fever. A little after 7, the doctor comes in and says that the baby could probably come out naturally in about four hours, but because of the fever he wants to do a c-section. And thus begins a big blur of activity involving bright lights and confusion and so much pain medication I couldn't really focus on anything.

So far he's been a pretty good baby. He hardly ever cries, he sleeps pretty well, and he makes the greatest facial expressions. We came home Thursday night. The doctor asked if I felt I needed to stay another day, but by that point I just wanted to sleep in my own bed.

And that's about that for now :)
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