Book Review: The Happiest Days of our Lives

Apr 26, 2011 17:34

The Happiest Days of Our Lives, by Wil Wheaton

Wheaton, former cast member of the Star Trek: The Next Generation and unofficial Grand Marshal of Emerald City Comicon, is back with another collection of nerdish memories and musings. Although I admit to being an eager fan-boy of his devoted affection for the popular arts, I was a tad disappointed by a few of his entries; if not a little perplexed by the poor editing - at least compared to Just a Geek.

“Blue Light Special”, which I heard Wheaton read live and on-stage at ECCC a few years back, is one of his gems; as it centers around his indecision on which Star Wars action figure to buy when standing in the toy aisle of Kmart. And it cleverly ends on one of the most universal and unanimous sentiments regarding the Star Wars prequels. (All I will say is, “Damn you, Jar-Jar Binks!”)

Outside of his wistful memories about growing up a gamer geek, as well as being the youngest cast member of the greatest sci-fi series in the late 80s/early 90s (with the exception of The X-Files), Wheaton does manage to break the mold by penning a remarkably moving piece about the loss of his cat, in “Felix the Bear.” One particular part I will never forget, which is his observation that “Dogs have master. Cats have staff.” So true, that.

After having finished this - in mere hours, as it comes in at just over 150 pages (and small ones, at that) -- I’m surprised that after having listened to him in person, and having read all three of his books now, I still haven’t checked out his website. And that’s something I plan to correct forthwith. (Two clicks to save it as a “favorite”. I’ve no excuse now.)
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