[appointment update]

Sep 01, 2006 07:59

I had an appointment yesterday, didn't gain any weight, BP was 124/82, urine looked good, swelling was fine at that point, baby's HR was in the 140s and I went from measuring 37 last week to 40 this week, the doc was like HOLY COW!! So he checked me, I'm 3cm (up from the 2cm when the other doc checked me at 35 weeks, he told me no change at the time so I figured I was 3 like when the practitioner checked, but she must not have had it right) anyways, I'm 70% effaced and at a -2 station so he has a little work to do as far as coming down. He also stripped my membranes and more then likely if I don't go on my own before the 10th he'll induce, especially if I'm still measuring that far ahead. I have another appointment on Friday the 8th at 4:15pm IF I (praying that I don't!) make it that long!!
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