Jun 04, 2005 11:30
Did anyone of you ever have a friend that was so obsessed with you you want to kill them?
I never but my other friend does.
In health class we got this sheet of healthy relationships and there were "characteristicts of an abusive realationship" on the back of the sheet. The obsessive person that I am talking about......was 9 of the 12 characteristics on the sheet. Here are a few;
Is violent toward you and your other friends
Puts you down to raise their selfesteem
Tells you what to wear and where to go and what to do
Wants to be with you ALL THE TIME and never let you be with other friends
Get jealous easily over others
Blames you for their own misfortunes
Those are the ones I can remember right now. It's really scaring my. I think that my friend is kinda in trrouble of this person. And the person never listens to us when we tell her the truth. I keep saying, "You have to stop hitting people like that. You're not going to get far in life if you abuse everyong you meet." Then she respondes with,"THAT'S JUST THE WAY I AM!!!" and she gets all pissed and stuff. Just yesterday, when going to home room, because my friend was doing something with me that afternoon, she said,"I feel so abandoned because J*** is doig something with you." AND SHE IS THE ONE WHO ABANDONS MY FRIEND MOST TIMES!!! She is getting out of control. She HIT my friend and made her CRY!!! I swore that if I ever, EVER see her do something like that I would kick the shit out of her. And I meant it. I don't want ANY of my friends being huhrt by this bitch.