(no subject)

May 18, 2007 23:43

Would you like an update from underneath my rock? Would you? That's a shame. Here it is.

I've created a lesson plan for sixth graders. They are supposed to learn their vocabulary by creating projects that embrace Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences. They will first take a quiz to determine their strengths, and they will then select a project based on the results. They must write a poem or song, create a word puzzle, create a skit, or make a poster or diagram to elaborate on the definitions of selected vocabulary words. They will present or perform their projects at the end of the week, and we will all celebrate our wonderful, creative learning experience. The only problem is that this unit must last a week, and that the children must actually learn their words. The next only problem is that I am not actually a teacher, and these kids are mere figments of my imagination (and they look an awful lot like my fellow students in eighth grade English, I've gotta say).

Does this sound vaguely coherent to anyone--particularly anyone with a background in education?

I have to write the truly scholarly portion of the paper tomorrow, and then I can throw cares to the wind for a day or two. Hoorah.

I'm almost proud of myself for being lame and doing school work all night on a Friday. I'm not sure why though, because I am often lame on Fridays. In two weeks, I have to work on a Saturday. Bah hum bug. I was really getting used to having real weekends.

On another educational note, I think I really, truly do want to be a media specialist these days, and that is a good thing. I had my doubts, but the public is driving me away faster than they ever have before. Some guy cursed at me over his dollar fine yesterday and demanded that I look up a book for him. Another guy today breathed sulfuric waste all over me while he forced me to look for some horrid get-rich-quick book in the catalog and questioned the potential postage charge listed on the ILL slip upon realizing that the county isn't a huge fan of get-rich-quick schemes.

I love people; I really do. I just hate them an awful lot sometimes. I hope that my angry librarian does not read this because I'm sure it sounds inappropriate. I just want to help people who really need it and who don't act like I am an entirely uneducated laborer for them to poop on.

Finally, I am looking for interesting, informative blogs/ news sites/ whatever to fill my empty morning moments. Who has suggestions?
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