(no subject)

Dec 26, 2006 23:29

Mmmm Irish Cream and semi-clean house. Boo all day working tomorrow. At heart, I am just a lazy slob. Tonight was good times. Earlier, I ice skated. Then I ate Chinese and giggled with Sarah, we found her a super cute house into which she must move immediately and invite me over for slumber parties (the one with the red door and the manicured lawn fooo shhoo), and then I got to watch spoiled rich kids and The Office at Deanna's house. The Office is, perhaps, my favorite TV show of the moment, and I like my TV.

For some reason, I forgot to belabor the details of my job interview of last Thursday, and it is necessary. I devoted a quarter tank of gas and some more pollution to the world in order to get out to Dade City. The drive was about an hour each way. Dotty and Angelo, my interviewers, were fantastic people, and I enjoyed them greatly. I expected Dotty to be a plump old white lady with gray-blond hair. Instead, she was a petite Asian woman with freckles. Whoops. Way to go, me for assuming Pasco County librarians are white. I'm not actually closed-minded-- I swear. The branch was, as expected, tiny and somewhat depressing. That's what libraries are, though, in most places. Not everyone can afford granite counters and brand new computers, and I must accept that my environment may not be the most cheerful distraction from the world.

The job is one for which I do not feel qualified because it involves supervision of library techs, and I do not think I really want it because I would have to train in New Port Richey and make regular trips to Hudson. I don't even know where Hudson is except far, far away. Nonetheless, the interview was highly amusing. Among the questions asked were, "Which three people--dead or alive-- would you invite to dinner?" "If a space ship landed in the parking lot right now, and a bunch of people got off and asked you to join them in space, what would you say?" "If someone set off a stink bomb in the men's bathroom, would you fall over laughing or get really angry?" and "What would your mom say is your worst habit?" They nearly asked what my tombstone would say, but Angelo decided that one was a bit morbid. It's a good thing because I didn't want to have to explain to them my desire to be burned Achilles-style on a pyre and spread in numerous places in order to avoid the risk of haunting a grave yard. I did reveal that my mom hates it when I rip open bags of food items instead of cutting them with scissors. They made odd faces at that, but what can I say? I've never been asked such funny questions before in a job interview. I think I lost points for passing on the space trip, but I was sure to point out that my reluctance to leave the planet isn't necessarily an indication that I lack spontaneity and innovation. All in all it was probably a waste of time, and I just wish Lakeland would give me a job so I can be a strip mall librarian-in-training and enjoy my granite counter tops in spite of the guilt they will necessarily inspire. Such is life.

Jason gave me one of the best presents ever for Christmas: bird watching books. Yessss. Now I can become a supreme nerd. One of the books, The Secret Lives of Common Birds is rather humorous and includes plenty of bird mating photos, as well as commentary on a territorial bird hurling itself against a parked truck. The other book is far more practical and actually explains various species of birds. Who wants to buy some seed and sit around the yard with me? My goal is to someday be able to name random birds the way Dr. Quetchenbach does. They'll fly by, and I'll say, "Oh look, an orange speckled kookaburra," and carry on with whatever I was doing. Most likely, no one will notice or envy my spectacular bird knowledge, but I will feel important in a pretentious way, and it will be fantastic.
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