(no subject)

Dec 17, 2006 01:31

The northern lights remind me more of a makeup ad that appeared in the December issue of Teen, or Seventeen, or YM, or Sassy when I was 14 or so than of anything natural and beautiful. This is what you get for living in Florida your whole life and reading too many pointless magazines as a teenager. At least, now I can look at them on Live Journal:-P We remember so many random things. I was thinking, today, about being three, and telling my dad my age. He said, "How old are you?" and I said "Free!" and held up my fingers. He said, "No, no. TH-ree. It's a different sound," and I said "Free!" That may not be the exact conversation, but it's close. I remember making a conscious decision to learn how to make a fricative TH sound instead of an F sound. Also, I remember that Josh and Laura were there, that the lighting was gloomy and cloudy, and that my dad seemed a lot taller back in the day. Among my other toddler memories are my dad telling Laura and me that if we swallowed watermelon seeds, a watermelon would grow in our bellies, watching through the window as Josh rode his bike and stealthily banging a few keys on his typewriter to see what I could produce, looking at a giant chunk of Muenster cheese (which I had misinterpreted as MONSTER cheese and sort of feared), Josh trapping me in my crib, and a recurring dream where a car smashed into the side of our house, as well as a few other dreams. It's odd to consider how early we start picking up random bits of information. I wonder if Revan is sitting there thinking profound baby thoughts while he slurps down bottles and squeals.

These are things I know nothing about right now: current events, job interviews, practicality, and my bank account. I have a checklist, though, and I'm going to get to it tomorrow. I swear.
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