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Dec 06, 2006 10:26

So it looks like I am going to interview for the Dade City job. The interviews aren't until next week, so I don't have school as an excuse not to go; I might as well see what the drive out there is like and look at the library. I've taken a gander at what Pasco County pays librarians, and the high end is pretty good for the world of libraries. Of course, I would be a library assistant making barely anything (think $25-$30 grand and it requires a degree), but there would be future potential. Anyway, it will be more library interviewing practice so I can get my library pioneer job in the spring. After this semester, I'm not sure how working full time and doing school would work out. School took up a lot of time, and I was fortunate to be able to work on things during the day three days a week. When it all has to happen on the weekend or at night, after work, well who knows. I'm not the most adept handler of stress. Almost everyone else in my program does it, though by taking only two classes at a time. I've already accepted the fact that if I switch to two classes at a time, I am going to graduate alongside all of these Project Lead people who have already been guaranteed media specialist jobs in Polk County and elsewhere. They will, essentially, be more qualified media specialists than I will, so the likelihood of easily finding a job in my area of concentration is slim. It's funny how the so-called future "shortage" of librarians is leading to an overcrowding of librarian wannabes. Oh well. That is all the more reason I need to establish myself in the public library world: I must ensure that I will be employed whenever I do graduate.

Anyway, who cares? I want to go ice skating. Soon. Sooooon.
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