Nov 02, 2006 11:08


I called the children's room in the library to ask them permission to take some photographs for a silly class assignment that's coming up, and the librarian knew who I was! She said I am on their list and she was going to contact me, but since I called first, she'd just talk to me then. Then she offered me a job interview!!!!! I'm not even sure which position it is because I applied for two and the test for the tech. assistant job isn't until the 16th, but that's nuts! The only problem is that the hours are Mon- Thurs 12-9, and my classes are at night. I'm not sure how that would work out:/. They'd be super fantastic hours if there were some kind of work-around. It's THE job that I want, working with teenagers in the super cool new room. YAAY. Call them and tell them to hire me!! Maybe they'll let me go to class at work? Ha. Right. Okay, so they probably won't like the whole class thing, but I am an LIS student with a concentration in youth services. They'll have to hate me or think I am retarded to not at least consider giving me the job, right? Now I just have to work on not being retarded before Monday. It's a challenge for me. Okay, back to making metadata records that I don't know how to make...

Sorry this is boring. But still, YAY.
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