Oct 25, 2004 17:16
None of my LJ friends have done this (or at least I haven't caught you...=)) but I thought I'd throw it out there since the topic came up on the way home from Winter Park last night between us girls. This is my biggest turn off when it comes to making friends:
If you don't want to hang out, just SAY SO. Don't EVER let me catch you lying to me about other "plans" you have because I am going to catch your ass and kick it for lying. It's SO insulting when a friend thinks they have to lie to you about stupid, meaningless crap, as if they are SO important your poor, pathetic little heart would just BREAK if they didn't want to go do something. PLEASE, some credit here?
Also, don't embellish stories of what you do in your free time with false tales designed to make you seem popular. Fellas, we know BS when we hear it, and we usually won't say anything, we'll just smile and nod and let you dig an even deeper hole. And then go find someone more interesting and genuine to hang out with.
Any thoughts? What can turn you off to being frinds with someone?