Jun 08, 2005 20:52
yesterday i went to kristina's going away barbeque. she left this morning, and shes never coming back. amanda leaves next week. its weird to think that ive known them since elementary school. jessie told kristina that shes the friend that shes had the longest. i told jess she was a failure in life and she has no hope. i cant believe theyre going to california! i want to go visit them with gregg! hes so fun. they had a hot friend whose a model named hot brandon. it fits. afterwards, nick was telling us about another field party and zack and adams cousins field. i was gonna go, but im not that good of friends with a lot of them, but david is hot. i ended up going to dustins house, bc he was having ppl over before they went to jacksons house. we hung out for ove an hour, and i left to go home.
so i woke up this morning, and called work to get melissa's number bc i was suppose to go to the pool with her. but gay rob put me on hold for a minute and a half, so i hung up. i ended up going to sutherland with kaitlin, adam, and dustin. this was the first time i could actually stay in the pool during break. i was excited. i was getting out when the whistle blew, and dustins like wait, we can stay in. we're adults. adult swim. we had chicken fights, and i beat kaitlin 3 to none. then me and kaitlin laid out, and the boys went to get meat for a cookout. me and kaitlin left to go to adams, we walked into his basement and into his bathroom, and he took the most foul shit in the toilet, and didnt flush. it was naaaasty. andrew k, york, elijah, and some other guy came over to. i ate hotdogs, the best hamburger ive had in awhile, and chips. the food was sooo good. i came home and fell asleep for awhile. i think we're gonna go to 4th street and petrus. i dont know, kaitlin and dustin dont get off til 9, and andrew doesnt want to go to 4th again. gg dustins calling. toodles.