Jun 04, 2011 00:41
I feel a little like I'm on a see-saw today - I had a quiet day at work, but was very, very busy since it was an opportunity to catch up on everything I am behind on. I've been STARVING all day long, but nothing in particular sounds good so I've just been randomly noshing all day. I've been feeling very pleased and optimistic about life trajectory things, then neurotically worried that I'm missing something important or just flat out being unrealistic. I had a great work out and then ran a mile, just for the joy of it, but then was exhausted and wanting a steak and a nap for most of the rest of the night. I was so proud at the progress I've made on the WW signs, then worried that after all this time and work they'll never get used again and concerned that I won't get to all the other projects I need to get done. (I have a month yet, though... then again, OMG, is it only a month? Yipes!) I look at the signs and some are very nice, but others are very... um... obviously homemade with a lot of love. :/
*sigh* In any event, I need to get to bed - tomorrow I have to go to Mermaids, teach a few classes, meet with His Majesty, and then scurry back for up to two different social engagement options in the evening... My life, it is not boring. Confusing, over-scheduled, exciting, busy, creative, and all with a touch of madness, but never boring.