NOTE: If you want to take some pics, please don't ask and use them the way you like. Spread optimism around!
Lots of smiles, swoons and romance in...
Series 3:
All this feels strange and untrue
And I won't waste a minute without you
Take my hand, knot your fingers through mine
And we'll walk from this dark room for the last time
The world shirt has changed... Was it for the better? :)
Ianto LOL :)
Lots of onetruepairing here.
And a lot of smiles.
And obviously the coat! OT3
Hypnoear, pierced.
The watch!
The coat! (Yep, another 'the coat' in the fandom :D)
Darling! It's not what you're thinking!
(I wanted to write some other stupid fannish comment here, but hell, it doesn't need any comments.)
Ianto doesn't like ice-cream.
On the catwalk!
Handwriting sample.
JackDetector shows: in distress.
Ianto is ready to blow the world up.
Or to steal the tractor.
Coming home.
In case anybody forgot :)
Angsty sitting mode on.
Until Gwen offers to go and rock the series. Like they all did in seasons one and two.
Applause to the coat captain.
Working mode.
OTP handporn!
The phone.
OTP fluff!
Worknig mode, again.
Lois writes.
And Ianto reads. Really, is there a thing he cannot do?
Not a good way to start a day..
Keep working.
A freaking bunny of angst.
Boys and their toys.
Ianto on the phone again :)
Jack Harkness, Ianto Jones. We're Torchwood.
Yes. Yes, you are ©
We were invitied to the (reads off the card) "tea and cookies with the 456."
Oh rly?
Fannish commentaries end here.
Only fannish squee remains
becaue epic onetruepairing
is ever-epic.
And yes, Day Five PS *eyeroll*
Tada, Not-the-end!All praise the Children of Time.
Luckily, I watched it after CoE.
Not HD this time but anyway.
DW season finale brings the end of the world (precisely according to the schedule) and a slight hubquake.
A(nother) famous Ianto-lol :)
Usually the whole team is present.
But we still get some nice caps of Ianto alone.
Too long to explain why I love these few seconds so much... but the caps make it sorta obvious :)
Action! Harriet Jones, former Prime Minister, bloody saves the day.
And who's this? Jack's moved away from the screen at once :D
Action, TW style.
Gwen: Ooh, he's a bit nice. I thought he'd be older.
Ianto: He's not that young.
Because Ianto+Doctor interaction is A. Hell. Of. A. Kink.
The most important thing is shown :D
And here comes something what according to some opinions CoE lacked...
Matrix has you, no escape.
GDL Grrr!
"Is there anybody who ever works?"
Most epic LOL ever.
We're going back home.
CoE archive, 55 MB.
DW archive, 17 MB.