oh did you see the stars colliding

Oct 15, 2006 09:23

Narcissa can't smoke at home any more, not with little Thea...she does outside, sometimes, but it's easier just to go elsewhere. This is why she's perched on the arm of a convenient nexus sofa, a lit cigarillo in one hand, a glass of wine in the other, and real estate brochures in front of her ( Read more... )

antonin, nexus, rp

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sanktanton October 15 2006, 09:35:20 UTC
Anton is bored. This is never a good thing. And the state of the Nexus has decidedly gone downhill in his very high opinion, he can see no sign of an Evan to get drunk with or any Malfoys or Lestranges to piss off. Woe!

But look! Possibly attractive company with alcohol, although he can't quite make out what she looks like. He takes out a cigarette of his own and pointedly ignores the fact that he has a wand and therefore fire. "Excuse me, darling, you couldn't spare a light for a nicotine deprived wretch, could you?"


eitherwilldo October 15 2006, 09:38:02 UTC
"...Antonin fucking Dolohov?"

Cissa is tired enough that it takes her a moment to realise that this outburst might not be taken so very well. "Oh, Merlin. Of course!" Instead of reaching for her wand -- in her hair -- she takes out a lighter and lights his cigarette.


sanktanton October 15 2006, 09:43:36 UTC

"Narcissa Diamanta Black!!" is let out with a trademark shriek. "Oh Merlin, darling, forgive me you're probably one of those alternates but fucking hell! Do you know how utterly deprived I've been of good company these past months, with the exclusion of you sister --or is she your sister?-- but I'm almost quite sure wives don't count. May I sit down? Oh, do say yes."


eitherwilldo October 15 2006, 09:44:56 UTC
"Antonin, darling, I am definitely an alternate but it is so good to see you -- it's Lestrange now, not Black, but don't let's talk about that at all, ugh." She kisses his cheeks, dropping ash on the nexus ground.


sanktanton October 15 2006, 09:53:03 UTC
He is happily seated and kissing cheeks back, halfway to lighting his cigarette when the Lestrange part catches up. He tries to hide the look of disgust but, being Anton, doesn't manage it remarkably well.

"Oh darling, which one was it? Honestly I'm beginning to wonder what on earth those lot have which has every witch and wizard swarming towards them because I can certainly make a list of what they don't. But! We shall not talk of them at your request."

He then remembers he has a cigarette and decides it's in his best interest to smoke the bloody thing.


eitherwilldo October 15 2006, 10:03:04 UTC
"Rabastan. And do let's talk of something happier than my incarcerated madman. How are you? You imply a happily wedded Bella? I should be so lucky to have my sister marry her Antonin, the last time I spoke to her -- admittedly a goodly long time ago now -- she was still much enamoured of not-so-dear Rodolphus. Perhaps she has changed her mind since I've been gone. I should pout, I think, that I have not married so well."


sanktanton October 15 2006, 10:16:18 UTC
"Madman you say? Oh, forgive me, we're not talking about him. Darling you're young, always beautiful so don't worry my dear milotchka."

"Ah yes, Bella. Luckily she escaped the clutches of that bastard and we put a few worlds between us and them although he still manages to rear his fashionably inept head --you should see the hat. Still, life goes on alebit a little dull. I miss Russia, friends, The Cause. I miss Aldous. And I've missed you! My you. Any you. You cannot believe how delighted I am."


eitherwilldo October 15 2006, 10:21:26 UTC
"Well, I've met someone else," she says, looking a little devious, then hastens to add, "It's nothings serious."

She laughs quietly. "Poor Bella, haunted by the mistakes of her past. I'm so glad she has you to take care of her. And she for you! You must make such a pretty pair. Missing Aldous? Oh, he and Bella are still at odds? Dreadful. I do so miss my Anton and Aldous...Aldous took good care of me when I lost my babies."


sanktanton October 15 2006, 20:50:16 UTC
He does a surprisingly good faux-shock although he doesn't keep it for long. "Scandalous! Aha, no. Get out, play the field, enjoy yourself darling. Not that I'm one to talk, I'm ever so surprised I've remained monogamous for this long."

"Oh, we do. And yes, they are, much to my despair. Aldous can't even come visit. And dear Merlin darling! I won't ask, I shan't. There are some subjects even I can treat with tact."


eitherwilldo October 15 2006, 23:25:23 UTC
"I'm not surprised -- we both know what Bella's like when she's got her knickers in a twist." Cissa may approve entirely of their marriage, but boy does she ever feel for Anton.

"Thank you, dearest. I don't understand why they hate each other so -- they're such wonderful people."


sanktanton October 15 2006, 23:45:37 UTC
"Oh, they have their reasons. But enough about them, darling. I have found a Cissa who is Nexus bound and I refuse to let go. Say we can meet up or I assure you my heart will be broken."


eitherwilldo October 15 2006, 23:47:51 UTC
She kisses his cheeks again and blows a smoke ring. "Darling, I would be crushed if you didn't want to. We simply must. I have a million things to do at any given moment -- dealing with the nanny, the child, work -- but I can surely find time to come and bother you."


sanktanton October 15 2006, 23:59:12 UTC
"Wonderful! I only wish I could say I had important things to do but I'd be flat out lying. Not that it's ever stopped me before, but still."


eitherwilldo October 16 2006, 00:04:10 UTC
She laughs and leans against his side. "It's wonderful to see you."


sanktanton October 16 2006, 00:06:17 UTC
He puts an arm around her. "Likewise, darling."


eitherwilldo October 16 2006, 00:07:13 UTC
Awww, Death Eater snuggles. If asked, Cissa will still claim they are the best kind ever.

"I've been terribly lonely," she admits.


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