HURRA ♥ i just found new Reita-pictures from the latest shooting <3 he is soooooo hot *_____*!!!!! i really adore him so much *___*

i like his clothes at the fotoshooting ^^ he had two outfits, but the first one isn't really see-able, because the fotos are so dark x_X" but i also like them,too XD
yesterday, i watched the movie Camp Rock. i didn't really like the story, because it was like every story from disney *drop* just like high school musical, but more camp-ish >->" but it was quiet okay~ just nice to watch without thinking of anything~ and i think, i like the Jonas Brothers a little bit more o-o exspecially joe XDDDD
i think, i will start a cosplay >__< i don't know, what it will be or when it will be finish, but there is a little voice in my head, which says "start cosplay! start cosplay" XD" i haven't got the thin and perfect figure for doing it, but i will work on it >_< i will try my best to be a good cosplayer someday :3
so~ i think that was all to tell o_O....
jâ mata~ (^~^)/