Right now I have a total KAT-TUN flash (〃∇〃)
They look all so great and all of them have such a cool personality
亀梨和也 did such a great job in 野ブタ。をプロデュース. He always smiles sooo cute <3 and I love his face, when he does not know a way out x3
赤西仁 is like the quiet-cool one, but he is also so cute, when he smiles (I am addicted to his smile!!!) He can also be mean ヽ(`ε´)ノ
田口淳之介 is the funny prey in the group. I couldn't stop laughing, when he did his 「入り口、出口、田口です。」 XDDD
田中聖 is the coole hip hop guy, but even he is, he is pleasant anyway. He can be so hilarious exspecially when he sneeze hihi
上田竜也 sometimes remembers me at ヒロト (from アリス九號.) and I don't know why ... anyway, he is pretty and his smile is cute, even though he is a bit clueless sometimes ヘ(゚∀゚)ノ
中丸雄一 is also pretty cute <3 (like all of the band XD")
I wanna watch all ドラマ with every member (///∇///)
... I should probably stop here ... It's like too much fan-girl in one entry