...but couldn't find a good, pithy subject line.
Ah well.
Anyway. We watched All The King's Men (2006 version) the other day. Now, I *love* the book. It's crazy and fantastically awesome. So you'd think I'd love a movie based pretty much exactly on the book, right? Well, no, actually. The movie just couldn't handle the scope of it well enough for me; it tries to take nearly every single element of the book and stuff it into a movie running just over 2 hours, *and* include long, loving shots of Kate Winslet and Sean Penn and Jude Law. And it really downplayed my personal favorite, Sadie. *sigh*
Today, on a happier note, we watched The Clone Wars, Vol. 1. Yay! :) I was starting to become a little less than pleased that there were no female Jedi on the front lines and only hanging out in the temple, defending themselves against the intruders. But fortunately, the last chapter had two;
Aayla (yay for Twi'leks!)and
Shaak Ti.
Oh, and I was not happy with the way they drew and wrote Padma. She is *not* a stupid teenager; she should not sound, nor look, nor dress like one. (Poofy balls on the strings for her cloak? I think not.) But overall, not bad; it's nice to see WTH was going on in between II and III.
And...the last thing I should note tonight: I got a haircut! When was the last time I got a haircut, you might ask? Why, back in August 2005, just before
hellosarah's wedding. (Or so I thought. I cannot seem to track down a post to that effect, although I definitely remember a picture being taken of HAIR! and pointing at Darth Vader's crotch at Burger King.) So...this was kind of a big deal. :) I'll post a pic later tonight or tomorrow, if I remember.