Drabbles: Empty

Jun 12, 2009 16:42


The sun is setting in the horizon, shining over the beautiful brownish-red autumnal leaves. I walk along the sidewalk, occasionally kicking the rocks that lay on the flat grey pavement. As I continued my aimless stroll, my hearings catch some weird sounds coming from behind a tree in that small little park. Curiosity gets the better of me; I start walking towards the big cherry tree, hoping to find out what was the sound. The closer I get, the clearer the sound. I can almost hear something, or someone, sobbing faintly. Then I see it.

I see the man who I adored so much, all curled up like a ball, his face hidden under his knees. He is wearing a blue jacket with white boots. I knew it is him, but I still have to confirm it.

“Tatsuya?” I call out his name. The said guy looks up at me slowly. His eyes are still glistening from the overflowing tears. There are trails of tears evident on his cheeks. He looks so vulnerable, so broken, so hurt.

He doesn’t reply, instead he just look straight into my eyes. I can almost feel the pain, the sadness that is portrayed through his sharp gaze. I take my seat beside him while leaning against the tree. Silence creeps in as the sobs stop.

“Are you okay?” I ask sincerely.


But then he buries his head into my neck and grips my hand. His hand was cold and lonely.

“Are you sure? You can let it out, you know.” I supply not so helpfully. I’m not that good at consoling people. Just then, his sobs start again and he cries out onto my shoulder. I know he was hurt. The past is still haunting him. The tragedy that happened 6 months ago is still fresh in his mind.

“Tatsuya, you need to move on. He’s no longer here. You have to accept that.” I know that these advices are adding salt to the wound, but he really needs to snap back into reality. The man he’d loved is gone, forever.

“He won’t come back. Even if you shed blood instead of tears, he won’t, Tatsuya.”

If only I can take away all your pain…

“This was the park where we had our first date.” I give in and listen to his story in silence. His words are cut by his sobs, but I still can manage to understand.

“And under this tree was where we had our first kiss.” My heart breaks into small tiny fragments at the mention of the evidence of their intimacy, their bond, their love.

“The first time we met was during fall.” A few brown leaves fall from the tree as the wind blew lightly.

“He’ll make those silly jokes, those stupid faces which I love so much. Which I miss so much.” He shifts from my shoulder and stares at the children playing with the swings.

“And he promised to me that he’ll be with me forever.”


“I can never forget him, never.” I see him clenching a picture of him and Junno smiling to each other under the said tree, holding onto it like it was his life. It is his life, isn’t it?

Junno is his life, and now Junno is gone.

Tatsuya's heart died the moment Junno left.

I want to revive it, revive his heart so that he can enjoy life just like those days, experiencing happiness.

But now my heart is blank, like an empty piece of white paper.

Tatsuya stands up and bows a little, muttering a small ‘thank you’ before walking away.

I can never fill the empty spaces, can I?

First time writing angst. Constructive comments are welcomed. :) I'm sorry I killed Junno. I wanted to kill Ryo but changed my mind. (I have no idea why, though.)
Can somebody crack Kazu's code for me? I'M DYING TO KNOW WHAT THE HELL DOES '1582' MEAN??
I bought a new custom pair of spectacles! It's blue in colour with half-frame. (random, sorry)
Drop a comment, okay? ♥

x: angst, g: kat-tun, r: g, g: news, p: ueda tatsuya/yamashita tomohisa

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