Posting another meme because Bev is a bitch, a ho, and a slut

Aug 13, 2007 22:03

The rules:
*Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
*People who are tagged need to write in their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
*At the end of your blog, you need to choose (8) people to get tagged and list their names.

1. I was an assistant teacher in a Hebrew school class when I was in high school, but I don't actually have any Hebrew vocabulary. (In the reform tradition, the point was to learn the letters and be able to get through a Bar/Bat Mitzvah.)

2. I seem to have two diametrically opposed people living inside my head: one is an old woman who enjoys Golden Girls, The Nanny, and crocheting. The other is a stereotypical horny teenage male.

3. I have dual citizenship with England.

4. I enjoy karaoke, but mainly just sing showtunes. Because that's pretty much all I know.

5. I once dated a "comedian." He turned out to be one of the most boring people imaginable, but it still feels like a fun story to tell.

6. I don't find malls all that entertaining anymore.

7. I've considered running for president, but only on the condition that my running mate makes us the least possible desirable combination. My previous ideal was a Muslim running mate (who would scare off my Jewish voters and I'd scare off his/her Muslim voters). I hesitate to implement this plan for fear that it would turn out like "The Producers" and we'd win, and I have no desire to hold political office.

8. I once read Playboy while watching a baseball game. But really, it was for the articles!

Do I even have 8 people to tag? Nope. So, people who are on here: Bonnie, Cole, Cris, Howard, Neil.
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