As i'm griping via msn-nick (as and when my connection even lets me .on. msn), "1st matsuri in 10yrs pontenged. i blames the wisdom tooth". lawl. Although to be fair... it's probably first in 8 years or so... Of course i could be wrong either way. But somewhere there...
Even though i'd booked Buchou in advance and blocked out the evening well ahead of the date... Gah unforeseen circumstances. (...well if i'd .known. i was developing a hole in a wisdom tooth i didn;t even know was out enough to develop a hole .in., and that said tooth would stick a jagged edge into the gum and it inflamed and me feverish for a week-or-two... i'd've hit the dentist the moment my GST money came in.
Heh. On hindsight... i guess i was really asking for it. That GST cash for a dental visit thing... _was_ on the agenda at the time, come to think of it. I forget what came up and mo0ted the idea though.
Anyway, the bf was making aLOT of noise about me wanting to go to the SummerFest the day after acquiring that little gaping bloodspring in the back of my mouth, and well i guess Buchou not feeling too well either sealed the Matsuri plan off. Starting the day with long-awaited event attending cancelled is so much SIANness. Still aching and annoyed with gauze and much blood-tasting in mouth,
no less.
Still, at least i was getting to meet Buchou after too long again heh. (( I still owe you a birthday meal hor. n_n"; )) So i figured... Well. Here's a day that started out at minus-fifty points. Let's see if we can get it to passing mark at the end of the day... heh tall order. But better than moping and griping and dwelling on the missed event and being annoyed all day right.
So well... Here's minus-fifty. Plus back twenty for still-meeting-Buchou-yay. And she didn't have to wait for me at all (well except the expected few minutes of '...wisma side where sia... this place has too many peopl-- oh there you are. XD'-ness, which is a definite plus. ^^v~! Buchou in Pink is also a definite plus. XDD *hides from.*
Nice unexpected plusses include running into KeoJoe, Natchan & Leo at Kino (...i'd minus a couple of points for forgetting to reget their contact numbers, but then i think i still them on MSN. heck, last resort there's always facebook spam. xD"; )
Ended up nuah-ing at Starbucks after another drop-in to Kino to find certain elusive Jigoku Shoujo volumes (chinese, so didn't get to go look for Kein-sama in the J-section. ah well. Next time then!). Getting to see a goodly portion of 'The Usual Starbucks People' (who i haven't properly been with for Too Long Lah T_T) there was an Awesome Plus and made the day So Much Better. <3
Other little plusses include discovering the Japanese Bookstore in the maze that is Central (trust me to forget the name, and/or to look for a storecard to kope...), Buchou having a voucher and splitting it so that my chai only cost $1 XD";; ....uhm eating 2 softboiled eggs via straw for the first time in my life haha XD ...and getting very-amused looks from Buchou (who was startlingly quick to get the straw at the mere mention of the wth-lol idea pfft) xD ...but it was easily the most senang meal because of it.
I'm sure there were many more plusses, because even after deciding to drop by the bf's place (since he had some of the guys over to try a game on the new trench table) ... and getting More Noise Made at me (after the rest'd left at least.) for even .going. out.... =_="~ ...yeah well even after that i still found the day Passed very nicely. n_n"
......well yes, most people .can. see the logic of staying home and nuahing all day/2days? after a wisdom tooth extraction (direct kind, no surgery at all) -- but i was quite ecstatic to be Not Migraining + properly Not Feverish for the first time in more than a week. Add to that the loud soundchecking coming from the CC downstairs for an evening event-party and 7th month auctions coming from the other end of 'downstairs', the industrial park area. Heck, even if i'd stayed home to mope myself into a resentful bitchfunk, what's the likelihood of getting actual restful sleep? I was already figuring that if Buchou wasn't up to meeting, i'd probably end up in a corner of the Bishan library or something. (Not that i've actually slept there before, but 've seen enough folks do so to know that it's certainly not impossible. [and the odds beat sleeping through a 7th-month-style yelling auction .and. loud singing, so.. n_n"; ]) But yes definitely wanting out of the house. Was extremely, incredibly restless and would have been quite --very-- irritated to be staying at home, all things considered.
Ah Well. One down, three to go. One more Direct, two needing surgery to remove. Not anytime soon i guess. Not .that. soon...
Training starts tomorrow at two. I've seen the schedule for September -- seems i'm on duty almost every day (mon-fri) of the first 3 weeks of the month! (But of course more hours = more income, so... *i'm* not complaining! but i expect the bf will... >_="~)
Am fortunate to have the Kitty Shepherd as supe, i reckon. ^^" And Javen also; Won't be surprised if the big guys show up though. They're intimidating haha... but then it's probably just that 'augh BOSS' mentality of mine. n_n"; The corporate-man bossdude intimidates me rather more than the family-man bossdude. n_n";?! heh.
I hope i get along with the other new staff; seems we'll be working a few days together on our own late Sept.
Rehi Working Life, please treat me well. I'm somewhat nervous, (haha at my age. and this being the... sixth? time i'm 'learning new ropes'..) but i'll do my best.
It will be so nice to be having an income again. (And with such friendly hours; plus flexibility for future partime studies, comfy environment, Nicely Central location, pretty much free dresscode... decently priced food of a decent variety downstairs -- there's nothing to not-like, imho. ^^ <3 )
So yeah, tomorrow... 'shopboy nagao', as one irc dude dubbed me on the job xD --meet Till-Monkey-in-training!eiji. Or a.g., since that's how it's spelt over there, generally... heh "lol like whatever right xD"
I should sleep soon... [ but my biological clock has AWFUL timing. i know i have some cramp meds somewhere though. =_="### ] what the hell, i seem to be developing a sore throat. [too much of gauze-rub on the left, possibly Dx ] Drink much water, then get Sleep. 2-10... 8 hours, boleh lah.. Oyasumi!
The 'net was being grouchy, so the above was not posted... until now. n_n";;