So... technology likes advancing, and you can get all sorts of new toys. Some of them I can even use to their full potential.... others become glorified doorstops. Or paperweights :-).
Well I haven't updated in forever-ish, and I have this here Android-tablet....might as well enslave...I mean utilize its potential. And I can't be fucked to turn on George. Oh yea... George is my bestest friend in the entire world, my computer. George and I got acquainted in December 2010. He was my Christmas/Birthday/Anniversary present to myself. He's a desktop, 1.5 terabyte hard drive (which I still have not managed to fill :p), 8 gigs of ram, a nasty cancer of a vidiot card, which got swapped out for my 2011 birthday for a beautiful nVidia card.
Okay, got distracted mid-update by one of my favourite people :-) totally worth it.
Anyway George... got his name when I had to designate my computer for a download. The tech needed a name...and me , well I couldn't think of anything witty, so I told the tech, "George". To say he was, yea....
George is a beast machine. I can run two Warcraft windows , old republic, and Firefox browser with Pandora running...and no lag. Which considering my gaming came to fruition whilst using machines that are shall we say a mere step up from village idiots.
Any who.... my PS3, Kindle, George, the XBox Kinect, and android phone do a lot to ease my technology-addiction. Thus why the tablet.....
Honestly, it was for surfing for when I don't want to turn on George.
I like that aspect of the laptop....but tuey have yet to create one that won't melt me, handle my requirements, and still be within my strict price range....IE I be poor
It occurs to me that perhaps my forced immobility due to lack of funds to get a license reinstatement probably has a lot to do with my least in part.
Either way, watching stargate Atlantis, and fiddling with my tablet...which I've had this damn thing for over 6 months. And I keep giggling because the tablets remind me of the data pads shown on Star trek :-)
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