Just a quick note to say...

Mar 14, 2011 13:34

I have Tuesday & Wednesday nights off. I have about 1,600 words of S1!Blaine written. I plan on writing as much more of that as possible. And on Tuesday night, before I can watch Glee (Damn you hulu for not getting it before Wednesday morning)--

I AM HAVING A BLAINE-MOMENTS MARATHON. I may try to actually watch most of the S2 episodes, but mostly, I just want to watch Blaine, to get his characterization down. & I have to watch S1 again (such a hardship, right?), because S1-Kurt is so, so much different characterization-wise than S2-Kurt. Seriously. Re-watch anything from S1 (especially toward the beginning, where my story's set), & Kurt is vastly different. I'm only used to S2-Kurt/Blaine interaction...gah, I'm giving myself a complex, here. Even I think I'm a huge, obsessed geek. With no life.

And then on Wednesday I'll do another Glee commentary. They're kinda fun for me to re-read, even when no one else comments on them (& I know y'all do, & I LOVE you for it ♥). So that's my not-weekend planned out. I keep thinking I'll do something with the Sims 2 some more (either play or work on the pics I've already taken), but then my nights off are over & I haven't done anything. Boo.

REGIONALS ON GLEE IN ONE (or 2, if you're me) DAY! If you haven't heard it yet, go listen to Chris Colfer sing "Blackbird", it is fabulous!

blaine-biased, i'm such a geek, glee, i have no life away from my laptop

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