I have Tuesday & Wednesday nights off. I have about 1,600 words of S1!Blaine written. I plan on writing as much more of that as possible. And on Tuesday night, before I can watch Glee (Damn you hulu for not getting it before Wednesday morning)--
I AM HAVING A BLAINE-MOMENTS MARATHON. I may try to actually watch most of the S2 episodes, but mostly, I just want to watch Blaine, to get his characterization down. & I have to watch S1 again (such a hardship, right?), because S1-Kurt is so, so much different characterization-wise than S2-Kurt. Seriously. Re-watch anything from S1 (especially toward the beginning, where my story's set), & Kurt is vastly different. I'm only used to S2-Kurt/Blaine interaction...gah, I'm giving myself a complex, here. Even I think I'm a huge, obsessed geek. With no life.
And then on Wednesday I'll do another Glee commentary. They're kinda fun for me to re-read, even when no one else comments on them (& I know y'all do, & I LOVE you for it ♥). So that's my not-weekend planned out. I keep thinking I'll do something with the Sims 2 some more (either play or work on the pics I've already taken), but then my nights off are over & I haven't done anything. Boo.
REGIONALS ON GLEE IN ONE (or 2, if you're me) DAY! If you haven't heard it yet,
go listen to Chris Colfer sing "Blackbird", it is fabulous!