My tweets

Feb 25, 2012 12:05

  • Fri, 22:23: RT @ Kurt_Blaine: RT if you like Lady Gaga
  • Fri, 22:24: RT @ iLikeToSmile24: Gay, straight, young, old, EVERYBODY has a crush on Darren Criss. Darren Criss is the great equalizer.
  • Fri, 22:27: *raises hand* RT @ OMGFactsSex: It's estimated that 1.1m men and 800k women between 25-45 in the US have never had sex.
  • Fri, 22:28: BRR!!! I'm freezing! ...maybe because I'm not wearing pants, & my shirt's so thin it barely counts as a top. But blankets! 3 of them!
  • Fri, 22:29: RT @ KlainerGirl: Kurt and Blaine at senior prom... YEAH BOII :)
  • Fri, 22:35: If nobody ever hears from me again, you can blame Dawnie, for getting me started on Pokemon.
  • Fri, 22:59: OMG, I just remembered a dream I had, about the preview for the next Glee episode. All the kids were climbing, 1 by 1, into caskets.
  • Fri, 22:59: Like, they were pretending (like Rachel does) to be dead, but then it was like they WERE dead, & everyone else was mourning them.
  • Fri, 23:00: & apparently, Blaine had been thinking abt proposing, & was talking about wanting to be Kurt's husband, & not wanting to wait if he'd known.
  • Fri, 23:01: But then Kurt was saying something about holding off, like Blaine HAD asked & Kurt had said they were too young still. But I wanted to CRY!!
  • Fri, 23:01: I can't. RT @ autocorrects: Admit It, we've all recorded ourselves singing to see if we could actually sing.
  • Fri, 23:02: RT @ RetweetIfs: RT if someone has ever given you butterflies.
  • Fri, 23:08: ...oh man, I just noticed the new LJ comment boxes have buttons for bold, italic, etc, so you don't have to use html. FANCY.
  • Fri, 23:48: "@ WhatTheFFacts: About 10 people a week are hospitalized from injuries suffered while playing Wii games."
  • Fri, 23:49: RT @ WhatTheFFacts: Men do 29% of laundry each week. Only 7% of women trust their husbands to do it correctly.
  • Sat, 02:45: Role-playing: satisfying my want for more Valentine's Day fluff (b/c we're slow at tagging. XD)
  • Sat, 03:39: Elyse is talking to people! She's sociable! \o/ (Start taking notes, Kurt.) #RP
  • Sat, 03:45: There's a stupidly large feeling of accomplishment when I catch a Pokemon. #horriblegamer #lowexpectations
  • Sat, 03:52: Oh, sweet cracked baby Jesus. I can *register my friends* & battle them on here? O.O #Pokemon
  • Sat, 04:44: Follow your gut instincts today if you're struck with an idea ... More for Scorpio
  • Sat, 05:52: Oh, for crying out loud. Elyse is like a slightly softer, more outgoing Kurt. STOP STEALING HIS RP TIME, LITTLE GIRL. #museproblems
  • Sat, 05:53: ...oh. Speaking of, instead of trolling SWS, I should probably be answering Kurt's tags. Oops.
  • Sat, 05:58: I probably shouldn't, but I'm getting Kurt and Elyse custom userheads. Kurt already has 1, but I want a diff 1, for complicated reasons.
  • Sat, 06:02: ...what jokes? RT @ WhatTheFFacts: 90% of people who post "an arrow to the knee" jokes on Facebook are obsessed with same sex attraction.
  • Sat, 06:03: For me, peeing every 2 1/2 hrs = peeing ever 15-30 minutes for "normal" people. I hate this. #TMI
  • Sat, 06:37: Apparently, when I don't know what to write for a smut scene, I get all soft-core poetic. =|
  • Sat, 07:09: RT @ cleolinda: RT @ lilithsaintcrow: "One doth not discuss the matters of the Fisticuffs Guild."
  • Sat, 12:05: RT @ OMGFacts: One out of five people in the world (1.1 billion people) live on less than $1 per day


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