Summer is definitely over. Outside it's raining cats and dogs and tomorrow it's first day of school... =(
I want to say that summer 2009 was a really good one, especially since I got to spend it mostly with my cousin, who I love vair vair much! I had some great times, goofing around with her, travelling with my parents and my brother and hanging around with my friends. I also would like to say how glad am I to have met such wonderfull new people, all of them crazy Hatter fangirls. =) You know who you are! ;)
I wish to spend my next summer holiday working at Disneyland Paris, but that's just a big fat maybe. For now, I have to concentrate on school and homework and such. Booooring.
On a second note, seeing
cute hats, I decided to take on knitting myself and it's really relaxing and nice to sit on a warm couch and knit while outside it's pouring rain. I'm currently struggling with a scarf (how original) but I do hope to get better with practice... =)