Some reports from Berlin

Aug 07, 2009 21:20

So a first, kind of report. I'm currently in a camping site (we've been travelling with our camping caravan) near Berlin, in Potsdam. The only Internet we have is outside the camping restaurant, so now, at 9 pm, I'm sort of freezing. =)

Berlin is awesome, as I already knew. We've been here for two days and we already saw a lot of interesting things.

You may ask yourself, why for two days? Didn't you left like a week ago?
The answer is that we've been travelling here and there for the past week, around Switzerland and Germany. And the first of August is a national holiday in Switzerland, so my Dad wanted to be there and build up a camp fire and watch fireworks and bonfires.

So here's a little list of the cool things about this journey up to now:

+ A camp fire can be not only really cosy and warm when you have wet feet. It's also mesmerizing to just stare into it.
+ I just LOVE German and Swiss cuisine (even though that's not a new thing... =))
+ I tried the best water slide evah in an aqua park
+ The weather is really summer-y. Not expected.
+ All my German knowledge is coming back. Yay! I'm mixing English and German words together again!

Okay, that's all for now. I'm to tired and cold to think about other things. =)
I'll update this journal soon.


berlin, travelling

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