Title: Caroline Attempts To Kill A Job
Author: eiremauve
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Word Count: 136
Prompt: Necessary Evil, Come Again? and By Nature, Hold Nothing
A/N: Because landing a job is a necessary evil. :) Procrastination is also evil. EVIL! And a theft of quality. The jerk.
I am at my desk, attempting to kill a job.
Writing down my name for the millionth time.
Why can’t they all just accept resumes?
Why must they all have their own form?
I’m flexible and friendly, and I ‘work well with others’-
the whole shebang.
I dress appropriately for interviews, I’m polite and serious.
I swear they even like me.
What else do they want from me?
They don’t even write back half the time!
‘Caroline Applegate’ I write again.
Then I pause.
What if a bit of humour is what is needed?
It’s worth a shot-I have nothing to lose-
And maybe this way they’ll remember me.
So I write ‘In addition to wishing to work with your company,
I would like a pony’.
I am at my desk, attempting to kill a job.