Title: Life in the Canyon
Fandom: Animorphs
Characters: Cassie
Prompt: A thousand miles
Word Count: 125
Rating: PG
Summary: Cassie visits the Grand Canyon. It's about a thousand miles away from California, where they live. Close enough, anyway. >_<
A/N: Yes, I really need to re-read these books. Maybe the store will be open next week? Also, this could definately be expanded, which is a good thing. And I would need to do research, omg. Well, needed to do mort research on this anyway.
The clear, windy air was bracing, but not as bracing as looking down from the heights. There were shrubs all along the cliffs, but I would not bet on actually being able to grab onto them. Luckily, I can soar off Bright Angel Point as a bird, maybe even the California condor, which is interesting looking, like something prehistoric, with it's craggy face and black feathers. I was contemplating what to morph when I heard little sqeaks, coming from a tiny mouse with ears almost as its big as it's head.
"Hello, little one." I whispered to the pinyon mouse, putting my hand gently on her head and acquiring it. "How's life in the canyon."
The mouse looked at me with big black eyes, considering.