Sep 29, 2012 02:02

A little bit lost after having so much fun at BB's con. It was just 2 hours of those 5 dudes - my first official full length KPop concert with just one group and not a bunch of mish-mash-ed people (although KPOP NIGHT 2010 was really not too bad).

Also, almost cried when BB sang "Monster".

Before you brand me a crazy fangirl that's obviously got screws loose everywhere, I just want to say that I listened to the song when I was down and that period of time, like a lot of other periods I had, it was like going through the emo music playlist over and over again - only with one song in repeat. Well, when the song just began, I was quite underwhelmed but there were so many aspects that "spoke" to me. (Fuck, I sound delusional. DO NOT JUDGE - MUSIC IS MY LIFE AND ALL THAT I HAVE LEFT IN THIS WORLD.) I felt sick that I was always down and always so depressed and so upset 24/7. I felt like a weirdo. I felt like an outcast. Even I myself felt that I did not belong here. When SR sang the "가지마" part, I felt so so so sad.

I was just overwhelmed with the fact that I was leaving SG very soon and I had so many unfinished things and I'm all unprepared and I'm filled with regret and I'm so tired and I miss every single one of my friends and - I don't really know. Maybe I am sick after all. I felt like this was my way of crying out to the world, that if I could have one more day, I would tell everyone how sorry I was. For everything.

Just caught in the moment. Just caught in that very moment.

Nowadays I wake up, hoping that this is all just a dream.


Dear Big Bang,

Thank you for doing your best on today's stage. I thought your English was awkward at best but you guys came up with some decent conversation, although a lot of it was quite surfacial. I suppose you guys didn't get enough time to get together and brainstorm some things to talk about - well, no worries, fans are fans and they lap up anything and everything you guys do, so - fret not.

SR - You're still my least favourite member but I like how you're such a people person. I don't give a damn about your scandal, whether true or false - I like that you do put your performance first. Your strange mention of the Merlion is really quite politically-correct but your English surprised me. I thought your Japanese was pretty good but I guess you and YB really do talk a bit to each other, haha. When you came out with the sniper-laser gun, that was just hella cool. I wish you'd perform "VVIP" though. I like that song more than "Strong Baby". Thanks for taking a vid of us - please do upload onto YT (I'm waitinggggg).

Dae - I think I might like you the most of all tonight. You kept smiling and you kept waving, which is all good fan service in all aspects but your solo stage was just plain AWESOME. I like that song now and I really wished you hadn't given me an anti-climatic ending when you didn't "take flight" with your "wings". What a pity there - you better not do it tomorrow otherwise I'll be really jealous. You are really really really quite cute. ^^


Thankfully this time you didn't throw down an expensive jacket that the stylists could not afford to lose. I wish you'd lose the hairstyle though - I know you've had a mohawk since FOREVER but this reggae-2-little-dreadlocks thingy just doesn't suit you. I get that you might want to be edgy but meh, just stick to safe lah. Otherwise, you're always very nice and you were the last to leave the stage, greeting us with a goodnight kiss and your sexy back (heh). You also happen to be very comfortable with showing your moobs and letting fans grope you. I don't know what extent of invasion of privacy you can tolerate but - KUDOS.

Also, thank you for showing your face at the backstage area - even though I didn't see a single shit.

TOP - You poor thing with your bandaged hand ! Looking terribly tired when you should be recuperating, I really did pity you. But I think it was even more hilarious that you couldn't do your "finger-point" dance during "Lies" and Dae laughed at that. How cuuute. Thanks for coming to our side of the pen and you really are quite good-looking. (Sucker.) Get well soon and I hope your acting chops improve. Also, thank you for emptying 3 bottles of water on the fans, despite your bandaged hand. (Awww, poor thing. ;)

GD -

WHERE DO I EVEN BEGIN T_______________________________________________________________T

I love you so much for so many different reasons - not being a leader, not being playful, but rather for your fucking passion. Your passion is why you make music; your passion is why you bother to be fashionable, your passion is why you try your best to put up a great performance. I really wish I could be like you - to be as equally passionate about something and just keep going despite the odds. (I'm not putting you on a pedestal here but you are 1/2 my role model.) I will never get to know you as a friend, even if it's just to ask you the most intimate questions (mind out of gutter, please, people) regarding your talent and your eagerness to do music. Music is my life and I love creative people. I want to be a better person through something that I feel strongly about and I want to tell the world about this but unfortunately I'm mostly restricted by the very same individual - myself. In any case, I really really really want to tell you that you should continue to make music. Not all music will be loved and you won't always be in the limelight (yeah, you've pretty much acknowledged that yourself in certain interviews) but you should never forget that this is what made you into who you are today. Please keep making music. Please keep performing. Please continue to be G-Dragon.


Le sigh.

Too dramatic even for my own perusal.

I just feel that their music is always fun and always makes me happy. I think I truly like them more than OT5 because I've not just seen them 3 times as of so far, they've always made me feel like I'm at a mass sing-a-long/noraebang session. Esp with dear friends.

and the spazzing don't stop, even g-dragon agrees, wow fantastic baby, cries and dies, i'm singing my blues, insomniac, withdrawal symptoms, what to do with these feels, love all you fans out there, ouch my heart hurts, i love you all, wise words from master v, i can't believe that it's over, emotions emotions emotions, fuck you this is the life

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