Apr 08, 2007 03:12
i am so tired. it still feels like british time.
it was my brother's fake birthday today. it's really the 15th, but he'll be at state so we had dinner/presents today. how is my little brother 19! he's definitely coming over in mid-may. he'll hang around england with me for a few days while i do have class and then we'll go abroad for a long weekend either to athens/somewhere in greece or istanbul. i thought about asking sean if he could come to jerusalem with us the last week of may, but sean is such a philosopher/scholar type, and i imagine particularly in israel what with the jewish studies interest, that i think my brother might be better off just going somewhere with me. he looked distinctly not impressed with my suggestion to come to africa instead.
i'm still waiting to hear back from the people at el shaddai. i'm anxious to get some more information.
i will feel so much happier when the milton paper is well under way - i think i secretly enjoy paradise lost. that book and the paper i am supposed to write about it is just one more thing standing between me and the happy television-stupor that isn't coming, but i keep reading just one more book of the twelve. so many things to distract me and i am overly eager to be distracted.
didn't end up going to lunch today with courtney and amanda - i haven't seen courtney since december of freshman year. craziness. next time i see her she'll probably be a wife.
i got accepted into the honors thesis class - so i have permission to slave next year. i am so tempted to stay on an extra summer to give myself time to do everything well, but i can't justify it because i only need to take 16 hours each semester to graduate in may. that class does mean that i get to drop my milton class and put it off for another semester and i'll be done by noon monday and friday but i just accepted two leadership positions at carolina with SWING and NSCS, so with the thesis and volunteering it's going to be way less sitting around time than i like. on the upside, i get to play squash for gym!
i love this place, home. so sunny and pretty. so many trees.
milton deserves another meeting.....