May 30, 2006 21:12
Mkay update time.
So I got my wonderful internship today...makes me happy in the pants.
I beat out a lot of people for yeah... :)
I'm doing a lot of what I want to do when I graduate...NOW...and making pretty amounts of money.
Pretty I say.
The President of the company said that he sees a lot of himself in me, also, that I am 'dead sexy.'
Additionally, I got offered work ALREADY for after I graduate...@ about 50k a year starting.
Ok I think that's enough of that....Though I think I've more than earned the right to be happy with a positive career change...after a month of scary no
Other than that...things are good. Very good actually, for the first time in a long time. I'm going to be busy in the upcoming months, but it's a welcome challenge. I've felt oh so undersold for far too long ;)...
I miss certain people though. A lot. A real hella lot.
Sigh...distance is a killer.
Especially when the distance is going to...increase some cases...:-/...blah...I wish it wouldn't.
Um, I don't know what else to write, I got a massive haircut. As in, it's all in...I no longer look like the Chris you've all come to know/love/find devastatingly pretty. I'm not a fan, but meh, gotta do what you gotta do for the business-job-stuff.
I think I'm bye now ;)