Dec 19, 2006 22:18
SOoooooooooo i got offered another job...this one is in Andalusia, which I am most likely going to take. Pay is more than what i make now although im going to try to get them up a little more cause its still less than what steve makes at the messenger and less than what they offered me in greenville. But it is a Creative Director position and while i will miss everyone that i work with at the Messenger (most of them anyway) A LOT , i like the people in Andalusia too and if i were to stay at the Messenger it would just be a dead end, unless they fired steve, which i doubt will happen. SO i will probably be moving in a couple weeks...which im SO looking forward too...*coughsarcasmcough*. i hate moving and having to change addresses and all that crap.
PLUS im mad at the department of revenue motor vehicles division because i mailed in a form to get a replacement title for the truck and i emailed them to find out where it was and they said they never received it! i sent it in 2 weeks ago and the people i sold the truck to will probably be looking for it soon, but once i get the replacement title, i have to get it switched to my name and wait for that one to come in so i can mail it to the new owners.
at least i am off work friday because steve is actually being nice..but he will be gone the whole week after xmas to italy..he sucks. but maybe i wont have to see him when he comes back! hooray.
so ready for christmas.